You select the services needed following our free consultation.
Develop a Plan
•  Target a date for the move
•  Customize a floor plan for your new home
•  Tag and sort belongings according to need. Leave tags in place to evaluate decisions over time. Depending on schedule, some items may be reserved for room staging towards the sale of the house.The benefits of Home Staging are outlined in the additional services section
•  Items not needed are to be reappointed for appraisal, sale, donation or discards. All pick-ups will be arranged. The proceeds you receive from sales and auction will help towards the cost of the move.
Packing and Moving
•  Belongings are carefully and professionally packed in moving boxes
•  Complete sweep of garage and house before move. Nothing is left behind, including memories
Move Preparation
•  All belongings not already boxed, labeled and stored will be packed the day previous to the
  move except for the personal items needed for the day of the move, including necessary items from the bedroom, bath and kitchen
•  To make the move day more pleasant, try to arrange a visit at a friend or relatives house until the move is completed. Moving sometimes involves delays and hence lengthens the process, leave it to us. It's so much nicer to receive the call that says:“It's time to come home.”
The Day of the Move        Greeting Your New Home
•  Check on the client's needs for the day
Arrange furniture according to new floor plan
•  Pack final items
We unpack and store items in their appropriate places
•  Supervise Movers •  Remove all packing materials
•  Have house professionally cleaned •  Dress the bed for a much
deserved rest
Home Staging
There is a psychology to home sales.The first impression is often the lasting impression. A welcoming mood needs to be created for a buyer to visualize their living in the home. If there's too much clutter it interferes with their perception of their living there and how their individual taste would relate to the homes environment. If the house appears worn it will affect the length of time the house stays on the market along with a lower
selling price. Staging opens up the house by creating a fresh and inviting atmosphere. This is accomplished through functional furniture plans, lighting, wall colors and inviting signs such as floral arrangements.
Corporate Executive Relocation

Welcoming someone new to the City can include unpacking, sorting and relocating items to their new environment. Floor plans can be executed in advance of the move with photographs of the present interior along with some measurements of the furniture pieces to be placed. Recommendations will be made for wall color, floor, window treatments and furniture.

For the executive moving out of town the move process would involve sorting, packing and efficient labeling required to accommodate easy reassembly at the new location. A service for a clean sweep of the house and garage will be arranged.

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